Fine Glitter


These are some of the fine Glittolicous glitters we use at Born to Sparkle. Fine glitters are ideal for glitter tattoos because they fill in the stencils really densely to create strong, vibrant tattoos that last.


✨(glitter tattoos are so much fuuuuun)✨


We’ve got 6 happy colours to choose from! And these 10ml tubs hold more than enough glitter for the whole family to be absolutely covered in glitter tattoos! The eco-glitters are cosmetic grade, so they’re safe for sensitive skin as well as being super bright and shiny.


Click the pictures to make them bigger!


Product Description

All our glitter is from Glittolicous, a West Australian company with a huge variety of eco-glitters – the largest we’ve seen in Australia. Their cosmetic grade glitter is super sparkly, and its perfect for glitter tattoos and face sparkles even for those with sensitive skin.


Product photography by HBL Photography


Weight 18 g

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple

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