Snowflake-Shaped Sparkles


Glittolicous snowflake sparkles! These are great for placing individually, to show off their intricate design. You can create beautiful wintry looks with a smattering of snowflakes across cheeks.


❄️✨become the ice queen you were born to be!✨❄️


This tub is filled to the brim with beautiful shimmering snowflakes, so it will last you through a lot of face and body sparkle wears. Perfect for Frozen parties!


Product Description

All our sparkly stuff is eco-glitter from Glittolicous, a Western Australian company with a massive variety of cosmetic grade sparkles. Glittolicous glitter is super sparkly, and it’s perfect for glitter tattoos and face sparkles, even for those with sensitive skin.


Product photography by HBL Photography


Weight g

Regular, Large

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